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Drag Bicycles’s CEO – Dragomir Kouzov handed in the voucher (for the total amount of 4050 BGN) to Cedar Foundation’s CEO – Alexandrina Dimitrova.

The amount was collected from the sales of DRAG Hardy bicycles. With the purchase of a DRAG Hardy bicycle YOU were donating 5 BGN and DRAG Bicycles was donating 10 BGN.

For the total sale of 270 bikes the amount of 4050 BGN was gathered for individual care and specialized support for disadvantaged children and young people.

DRAG and Cedar Foundation have launched the charity campaign to raise funds for the physical therapy needs of disadvantaged children in their family-type homes in Bulgaria.

With the purchase of a limited DRAG Hardy JR bike YOU have became a benefactor for the kids and youths from Cedar Foundation. Thank you! 

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About Us

Manufacturer of DRAG Bicycles * Manufacturer of COX Components *  Distributor of more than 50 world-famous brands for parts, components, accessories, clothing and footwear * DragZone store chain  and online shop owner